
To apply please send an email to sales@streetjuiceproducts.com with all of the details below. 

Email Subject Line: "Sponsorship your first and last name"

Please copy and paste the below application by right clicking in the email body and "Paste as Plain Text."


Sponsorship proposals must include the following:

Your Contact Information:

 Your first and last name

 Your current address (street, city, and state)

 Your email address

 Your phone number

Vehicle and Car Show Information:

 Car make, model, year, and trim (if applicable)

 Current clear photos of your car only. No people in the photos please.

 Current modifications 

 Future modifications if any

What car shows do you plan on registering your car for this year?

What shows did you participate in for 2024?

Tell us about your car meets.

Have you used our products before? If yes, please list and provide feedback on each item.

Additional Information:

Do you have any obligations with other companies or sponsors related to your car? If yes, please provide details.

Please list forums (with username), clubs, and current activities related to the car world.

How can we support your vehicle needs? This is how we plan to help you.

How can you support us? Plans for Street Juice Products exposure?

Are you on social media? Do you network often? If yes, please provide the social media type and username.

By submitting your sponsorship application, you agree to following terms:

"Street Juice Products" display sign will be displayed at all events I participate in. 

I will either display a decal on my car or utilize Street Juice's license frame on my vehicle. Our goal is advertisement, other ideas are welcome and will be considered.

I will provide at least one picture of Street Juice Products or display sign incorporated in my vehicle display from each event attended.

If professional photos are taken of my vehicle, I will try to incorporate Street Juice Products in the photoshoot and submit to be used for advertising. If models are used, they should be fully dressed and done in a tasteful manner.

I will post and tag or send at least one video or reel per month of Street Juice Products on social media. Examples: Me or others using Street Juice Products, my testimony of the product used, etc.

I will post and tag two to three pictures of Street Juice Products a month on social media.

I will not sell, trade or let others use my sponsored Street Juice Products.

I understand that all supplied products are intended for use for my vehicle only.

I will not accept any other car care product company endorsements during my sponsorship period.

Note: We are a Christian based family-oriented business. If inappropriate photos or videos are submitted, we have the right to cancel our sponsorship at any time.

I will NEVER disclose sponsorship information, pricing, or general details to others. Disclosure to others gives us the right to cancel our sponsorship at any time.

I understand I will be a brand ambassador for Street Juice Products and will represent them in a professional manner both off and online.

If you have a vehicle or marketing strategy we’d be interested in, please feel free to send your ideas to sales@streetjuiceproducts.com. Please include a detailed email that outlines your idea(s), and we’ll get back to you with our thoughts.

Disclaimers: The Sponsorship Program is available for a limited time only.  Street Juice Products reserves the right to reject sponsorship proposals. All information will be kept confidential. 

Please note that accepted sponsorship will be reviewed and assessed throughout its entirety and can be cancelled at any time. 

Thank you for your interest in Street Juice Products, we look forward to hearing from you!